Search for cool Projects


mrswastik-robot's github profile

A simple blogging website made using NextJs where me any my friends regularly blog about cool tech stuff.

Quiz App

blindaks's github profile

A quiz app based on front wnd development questions.


parma1111's github profile

Domino's is a Global Brand, founded in 1960 and is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery operating a network of company-owned and franchise-owned stores in the United States and international markets. In 1996, the first Domino's Pizza store was opened in New Delhi.

YouTube Clone

accodes21's github profile

A fully working clone of YouTube made using reactjs, Material UI and YouTube v3 API. User can search and play the videos in the app directly.

Audio Book

whiteknight16's github profile

Give a pdf and the bot can read it out for you


Kalivarapubindusree's github profile

blood management system project is an like overall blood management system in our hands, Register,Logins, adding Events and showing Interest to go and donate the blood seraching the donar near by the searched location showing the total donorslist and total bloodbanks and videos and contact us page and updating user profile within the working database

Xylophone App

Atharvashirsh's github profile

A simple Xylophone App made in flutter that plays tunes

Digital Clock(Time Zone)

smty2018's github profile

Digital clock with time zone selection and GUI design.

Spotify Clone

vishnu-mouli-102408's github profile

Spotify-Clone is a web application that mimics the functionality of the popular music streaming platform, Spotify. Users can create an account, search for music by artist, album or track, create playlists, and listen to music.

BMI Calculator

sumitkr2000's github profile

BMI Calculator is used to measure the Body Mass Index of a person. By measuring BMI, a person can know if he is underweight, normal or overweight.